Amerikan Yahudi Kongresi'nin,  Başbakanımız Sayın Recep Tayyip  Erdoğan'a verilen cesaret ödülünü geri istemesi üzerine, Türk Musevi Cemaati tarafından gönderilen mektup

To the President of American Jewish Congress,  Mr. Jack Rosen,

We have just read  with deep resentment your demand to Turkish Republic's Prime Minister Erdogan to return the award you gave him a decade ago. We found this decision of yours very unfortunate just at the time that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs  rejected harshly the aggressive calls of the opposition parties to return this award  telling that the political critics to Israel must not be commented as antisemitic statements at all,

After all we believe that today amid the tragic losses we are witnessing in the Middle East , it is not appropriate at all to break down all the bridges but to try to amend instead the lack of confidence aroused between all the parties involved directly or indirectly in this crisis.

We condemn hence your unacceptable demand and urge you to re-evaluate your decision.