Kuzguncuk Historical Cemetery

It is a large cemetery located in Nakkaştepe, Kuzguncuk with an area of 78165sqm.

There is no proof of Jewish presence in Kuzguncuk during the Byzantine Empire but it is known that the Sephardim from Spain had settled in the area when they had arrived.

The famous Ottoman traveler Evliya Celebi had written that there was a large Jewish Cemetery on the hills of Kuzguncuk and when Jews living in the Balat region were not allowed to bury the dead in the Balat cemetery they started burying the deceased in the Kuzguncuk Nakkaştepe Cemetery.

The Midrash is located near the entrance. The Midrash was built in 2004 with the generous contribution of a local donor.

The plaque denoting the names and the graves of revered Tsadikim who lived in the 14th and 15th centuries. Visitors from overseas come to visit their graves yearly.

The area where very old tombstones are located. There is no burial in this area. Some researchers have located stones dating from the end of the 14th century.

Reconstruction has been done to prevent the soil from sliding downhill.

The Beit Yaakov Synagogue Foundation is responsible for the maintenance of the cemetery and burials.

Jews apparently had built a settlement in Kuzguncuk before the Ottoman period. They considered this district a direct part of Jerusalem thus considered the cemetery very sacred. The burial place of Nesim Benbanaste who initiated the idea of celebrating the 500th year of the Sephardim welcomed to the Ottoman Empire and who sadly passed away in 1992.